Monday, November 22, 2004

100 Things About Me

I've noticed in my blog surfing lately a new way of sharing a little about yourself. To that end, I've compiled a '100 Things About Me' list. It isn't fascinating or engaging, but it might just give you a little glimpse behind the blogger known as April.

Thanks in advance for reading. I tried not to get too wordy, but I'm not sure I succeeded.
  1. I am 5’ 8’ and mostly legs. Thank God the clothing stores have finally started stocking jeans in size “Long”.
  2. I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  3. I wear contacts, but have a lot of trouble with them because I have really dry eyes.
  4. Although I lost all of my baby weight from my three kids, I am unhappy with my body, and don’t see that changing in the near future.
  5. I lack motivation, but am very organized.
  6. I hate being late, to the point of major stress-attacks. But once I’m there, I calm right down. It’s as if it never happened. Drives my husband nuts.
  7. I am and always have been quite an introvert, but have learned to move outside my comfort zone now and then. It has really paid off.
  8. I love Mom’s Night Out with my neighbors because it makes for great gossip. I love gossip.
  9. I hate the idea of people talking about me behind my back.
  10. I can be a hypocrite.
  11. My biggest pet peeve is passive-aggressiveness. I am self-conscious to the point of shyness, but with the very real potential to be aggressive-aggressive if provoked.
  12. I am passionate about almost everything I have an opinion on.
  13. I’m very opinionated.
  14. I love sports, but only in moderation.
  15. I joined my first Fantasy Football League this year. It’s a lot of fun, and borderline obsessive.
  16. I can be very competitive and hate to lose, but really try not to brag if I win, except to my husband. I love to beat him and remind him of it over and over.
  17. My (extended) family is pretty nuts. Most days I like to think I’m the exception, but I often worry I’m just like them.
  18. I want to be the opposite mother to my children that my mom was.
  19. I want to be the kind of parent my dad is to his second round of kids.
  20. I love crafts, but rarely have time to do them. I scrapbook, cross stitch, sew, latch hook, and want to learn more.
  21. I would pay just about anything to learn how to knit or crochet. I don’t even know the difference.
  22. I am a magazine-a-holic. My favorite is US Weekly, which I mistakenly referred to a USA Weekly once to my husband, and then had a frustrating but important conversation about why he should have known what I meant anyway. I also read Parents, an occasional Redbook, Better Homes and Gardens, and Glamour.
  23. Despite my love of reading, I can’t seem to get through a book these days. I think it’s my short attention span.
  24. I like to think I’m quirky and eccentric, but overall normal.
  25. I’m funny and witty, especially right after my morning coffee.
  26. I’ve had lots of great one-liners, but I can never remember them.
  27. I loved breastfeeding.
  28. I loved being pregnant.
  29. I loved giving birth!
  30. We are not having any more children; at least that’s we’ve decided at this point.
  31. I have issues with both my mom and dad, and often blame my rotten childhood for my poor decisions, rather than blaming myself.
  32. Despite #31, I can be very hard on myself. Mothers Guilt haunts me.
  33. I can be both a pessimist and optimist in the same day, and often in the same conversation. I’m a woman, after all.
  34. I love Desperate Housewives. I am very much the frazzled mother, but long to be like Bree, the one who is perfect at everything.
  35. Math was my favorite subject in school. I have a very analytical mind when it comes to numbers, and I could pass that class without having to attend on a regular basis. That was ultimately my downfall in school. I learned I only had to do enough to get by.
  36. Science was my worst subject and I still hate it to this day.
  37. I can’t remember dates of anything important in history. I only know that WW1 came before WW2 for the obvious numerical differences.
  38. I am a pretty good cook and enjoy doing it.
  39. I am still searching for that one great passion in my life that’ll tell me what I want to be when I grow up. I hope to know by the time I retire.
  40. I love being a mom, but hate being mothered.
  41. I need for my kids to have cool clothes that don’t have holes, and weren’t hand-me-downs.
  42. I hope my kids find their passion in life and try everything that grabs their interest, without exception. I feel if I can help them with this one thing, they’ll be set for life. Well that, and good manners.
  43. My biggest challenge in my life right now is balancing being a mom, a wife, and just a woman.
  44. I’m not crazy, but I sometimes exhibit crazy behavior just for a change of pace.
  45. I love to be spontaneous even though it stresses me out.
  46. I worry about my kids probably more than what is considered healthy. I think there are bad people out there waiting to grab them or hurt them if they ever leave my sight.
  47. I am extremely ticklish and I hate being tickled. It causes me to laugh uncontrollably, and that makes me hate it even more.
  48. I love modern, simple lines, and clean, crisp colors in interior design. I have no idea how to achieve it.
  49. I enjoy country music, but don’t admit that to many people.
  50. Songs can make me cry very easily, as can movies, TV shows, and books.
  51. Few people have seen me cry. I prefer to do it alone, and not even tell my husband about it.
  52. I enjoy writing short stories. They often turn dark – not scary, but disturbing – or have unhappy endings.
  53. I don’t understand or appreciate poetry that doesn’t rhyme.
  54. I have a tendency to find every spelling and grammar error in published works, i.e. newspapers, magazines, technical manuals, etc. I have to email the editor about the mistakes if it is an online publication. I am blind to these mistakes in my own writing, much to my dismay.
  55. I have a chocolate tooth the size of Vancouver.
  56. I have no idea how big Vancouver is, but somehow always use it when I am describing how big something is.
  57. I don’t think size matters.
  58. I have no cavities, and keeping it that way has become a quest of sorts. I don’t go out of my way to take care of my teeth, but I’m hoping the powers of suggestion and osmosis will go a long way in ensuring my cavity-free status.
  59. I have a habit of using run-on sentences, and am not making any strides to change that.
  60. I am a drama junkie, although of a much milder sort now.
  61. I enjoy doing laundry, tolerate doing dishes and vacuuming, but loathe dusting and cleaning bathrooms.
  62. I am toilet-phobic. I worry things can come “up” them rather than just “down.” I will not use a porta-potty. They are full of diseases and probably even rodents waiting to attack.
  63. I am mildly afraid of the dark. I used to be terrified, but I can talk myself out of it now. However, if I had my way, it would be light all the time – not sunny, but light.
  64. I love clothes, but don’t have very many.
  65. I like men to dress preppy, and care about how they look, but not to the point of being a metro-sexual. My husband more than fits the bill – so much so, that I think he’s the only one who could actually be my “type.”
  66. I have a bad temper, but it’s much better than it used to be.
  67. I live in a yellow house, drive a purple mini van, and my favorite color is blue.
  68. We will soon have a silver Mini Cooper with black detail.
  69. My favorite type of food is Italian. I can eat any kind of pasta.
  70. I could do just about anything I put my mind to, except giving up carbs.
  71. I love fruits and vegetables, and cheese. I believe they balance out my chocolate intake.
  72. I could drink a Beaner’s (like Starbucks, but local) Tall Skinny Mocha Mocha everyday if we didn’t have 3 college funds to think about. It’s like dessert for breakfast, but I don’t feel guilty because my mind won’t go there after that much caffeine. The only other way I’ll drink my coffee is black.
  73. I’m a good driver, but sometimes get to where I’m going without any memory of the drive.
  74. I can multi-task almost to the point of insanity.
  75. I have to unload and reload the dishwasher after my husband puts things in it, or at least reorganize it.
  76. I watch one soap opera (General Hospital) and even visit online sites dedicated to their fans.
  77. I love Reality TV, but not the marriage shows, or the overly cheesy ones. To date, I have watched and enjoyed Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother, America’s Next Top Model, Newlyweds, The Apprentice, and Extreme Home Makeover, in no particular order.
  78. I loved the Harry Potter books, can’t wait for the next one, but didn’t think much of the movies.
  79. In the summer, when I drive down our road with the radio on (loudly), I change the station depending on who I pass.
  80. I own a small online business selling doll clothes, and am doing pretty well for my first year.
  81. I have big, ugly feet.
  82. I have a big nose, and from the looks of my ancestors, it’s only going to get bigger. I often muse about getting a nose job.
  83. I am going through a “pink” stage. I even bought a pink purse.
  84. I have two cats. One is a loveable rag doll; the other will bite anyone who tries to touch her.
  85. I don’t mind doing yard work, but I am not a nature girl. I don’t think I’ll ever camp again, unless my kids really want to.
  86. I hate bugs of all kinds, spare flies. Finding them in my house can be a huge incident.
  87. I am really jumpy and can be startled when someone just walks in the room quietly.
  88. I love milk, but only skim.
  89. I teeter on becoming a vegetarian quite often, yet eat meat almost daily.
  90. I go through stages where I can’t eat eggs because I think of how they’re little embryos. When you put them in boiling water, they even chirp.
  91. I believe in God, but don’t go to church very often, although I’d like to.
  92. I am uncomfortable at the thought of “never-ending life”, i.e. Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, etc. Everything is supposed to have an end, and the idea of doing something forever is disconcerting to me. So much so, that I get edgy if I think about it for too long.
  93. Due to watching Unsolved Mysteries as a child, I fear alien abductions, ghosts, and bombs that look like litter and go off when a Good Samaritan tries to clean up the community.
  94. I am the youngest of my mom-friends, and it bothers me. It’s the only thing that’s ever made me want to be older.
  95. I think I’m smarter than most people I know, but am wrong more often than I’d like.
  96. I get very nostalgic and am a sucker for old pictures, old houses, and old stories.
  97. I love to be by myself to just sit and think. I’m a dreamer. I imagine everything, from what my day will be like to reliving yesterday as if it happened differently, to pretending I’m someone in a completely different era.
  98. I enjoy an occasional night of beer-drinking, or a couple glasses of wine.
  99. I suffer from headaches on an almost daily basis, and have for as long as I can remember. They occasionally turn into migraines, to which I cry like a baby, swear I’m going to get help, and then forget it ever happened as soon as it’s over. It’s taken me 20 years to finally seek and insist upon help from a doctor. He heard me out, and we promptly moved into the “let’s monitor them” phase.
  100. I am the most stubborn person I know, and I think that is my worst quality, and not like some trumped-up-job-interview worst quality. I truly think my stubbornness impedes my happiness.

    Thanks for reading. This was really interesting to do. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you try one yourself. If you do, or already have, please link me; I would love to take a look. They're such interesting reads.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

That was interesting and well done! I have the same issue as your # 99 and have for ever! Sometimes the headaches are just normal, and sometimes they are migraine level. One day the doctor finally said "Suzanne, headaches are never normal". Who knew?

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